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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique


Explore Your Self Through QHHT

”You do not realize the power of your own mind. By focusing on the reality you desire, you can create it. Your energy is scattered. Once you learn how to focus and direct it, you are capable of creating miracles.”

Dolores Cannon, Convoluted Universe Book Two

Meet Amy, Yottamind's QHHT Level 2 Practitioner

More About Amy, Yottamind's QHHT Practitioner

Our practitioner, Amy, is a certified Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique practitioner. She has been practicing QHHT since the beginning of 2020.

Amy has also received her certification in Soul Speak, which helps aid in the healing process for clients while they undergo a QHHT session for that purpose.

Amy genuinely enjoys helping people and wants to spread love to all.

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QHHT Room at Yottamind - Kenosha, WI

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What is QHHT?

QHHT, short for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, is a unique form of hypnosis developed by Dolores Cannon. It is a beautiful technique that can:

  • Produce healing qualities within yourself
  • Allow you to find the answers you have always been looking for in your life
  • Create change within yourself
  • Understand the overall picture of life,
  • and so much more!

When you find answers to the questions in your life and then make changes based on those answers, you are finally able to heal mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Through the QHHT process, your QHHT practitioner will guide you through a relaxation and visualization sequence that will quiet your mind into the theta brain wave state. At that point, you will be able to allow your higher self to fully enter and speak. Thus begins your healing, discovery, or awakening process.

The practitioner acts as a facilitator for you and helps guide your session through your higher self (subconscious mind) to retrieve the answers you are seeking.

Why choose QHHT?

QHHT has many uses. People have used QHHT for various reasons over the last 60 years. Here are a few reasons to choose QHHT:

  • Looking for an alternative method of healing
  • Break addictive behaviors
  • Change destructive habits
  • Heal from previous traumas
  • Become a healthier human being
  • To find deeper meanings of life
  • Seeking deeper knowledge
  • Looking for answers to questions you’ve always had in life
  • Wondering what your purpose is in life
  • Connect to your higher self

The above is certainly not an all-inclusive list, though if any of the above reasons resonate with you, then QHHT is a great option for you.

When you undergo a QHHT session you will be able to ask your higher self (subconscious mind) all of the questions you have been seeking answers for. Your higher self has nothing but pure love for you and wants the best for you in life.

When you have a QHHT session and listen to your higher self speak directly, you will understand that it has been with you your entire life. You have never been alone and are always loved. This is just the beginning of your journey.

What to expect in a QHHT session?

When you have a QHHT session, you should plan to have a minimum of four (4) hours set aside. A typical session will last between four and six hours, but may go longer.

First, you begin by having a conversation with your practitioner. Yottamind’s practitioner, Amy, will ask you questions about your life and why you would like to have a session. It is important to be open and honest. The more open you are, the better your session will be, allowing the practitioner to facilitate the hypnosis portion of the session as best as possible.

NOTE – All of your conversations you have with your practitioner are private and held with the utmost confidentiality for your privacy and protection.

The practitioner will also ask for a list of questions you would like to have answered by your higher self during the hypnosis portion of the QHHT session. This prepares the direction for your session to flow smoothly and with purpose.

After the practitioner has gotten to know you well, she will discuss the next steps for hypnosis. Then you will proceed into the hypnosis itself. The practitioner will audio record your session, which will be given to you for your records to keep and retain.

It is important to listen to the recording after your session, as you will learn much more in doing so and further the benefits of your session. The more you listen to the recording, the better the outcome.

When the session is complete, you will feel wonderful after having a life-changing experience as your higher self allows. The entire process is beautiful and full of love for those that enter with an open mind and the desire to learn.


There is no limit on the type of questions you would like to ask your higher self (subconscious) in QHHT. In general, people typically ask questions about the following:

  • Their past experiences
  • Uncomfortable topics/traumas
  • Their purpose in life
  • Why they continue to do certain things
  • Why particular situations continue to happen to them
  • How to heal their body from certain ailments

The items in the list above are simply examples. You may choose to ask questions about these topics or any others. The goal is to learn something about yourself in order to improve, become healthier, etc.

A typical QHHT session lasts 4-6 hours.

It can take longer depending on each individual. Plan to have more time allocated rather than putting a time limit on the session. You do not want to rush the process. The day is about YOU! Enjoy and focus on this personal time.


Every person is capable of entering hypnosis. You naturally go into this level of hypnosis at least two times a day. Once when you are just about to wake up, and again, when you are just about to fall asleep.

Letting go and relaxing will be key to your session being a successful one!

No, you will not fall asleep.

Each individual may experience hypnosis differently though. Most people are completely aware during the entire experience. Others experience it like the dream state. Still, others may think that they have fallen asleep, but continue to talk and answer questions the entire time.

No, you will remember your session similarly to a dream. If you were looking for a hypnosis experience where you don’t remember anything, you are about 15 years too late!

The human DNA and consciousness is constantly evolving. Our conscious mind is more aware and alert than recent history. When you are in hypnosis, your conscious mind will be aware of what is happening and what you are saying.

However, the subconscious mind or higher self will be the one controlling the conversation and doing the talking. This is normal and natural for the 2020’s.

Also, for the best experience and benefit from your session, Yottamind will provide you with an audio recording of your session that we recommend you listen to in order to grasp as much learning/knowledge as possible.

No, you must come alone.

This is a day about you, and you only! To get the full and complete experience you must come alone. If needed, you may have someone drop you off. When the session is complete, you may call them to pick you up.

Wear clothes that you are comfortable in.

It is best not to eat too much beforehand. A small snack is okay, but large meals are not advised.

You may take medications as prescribed by your current physician, but we would advise against taking any type of ADD/ADHD medication. Those medications will make it more difficult for you to have a natural QHHT experience.

No, QHHT is always done in person.

If it is offered online, then it is not a true QHHT session.

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